Freedom from Shame

  Shame… we’ve all felt it… Probably from a very early age. We did something wrong and got caught, and then felt the shame. And then every time that memory comes up, that same feeling returns as well its condescending voice. The shackles of shame are strong and can be multi layered. We can have…

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My Five Stones

I don’t know about you, but I tend to have a lot of dreams. I am of the belief that oftentimes God speaks to us through our dreams, so I usually write them down to have a record of them. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had a series of dreams where I’ve encountered various…

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Yet I Will Praise You

Growing up, my sister Jeni and I sang duets in church.  After we were both married, we didn’t do it as often, but on occasion.  One particular time we had chosen to sing the song “When Praise Demands a Sacrifice.” Our families shared a house at the time, and we were practicing in the living…

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So Long for Now…

Dear Dad, I wasn’t really expecting to write you this kind of a letter so soon, but here we are anyway. It’s hard to know where to start, but “thank you” seems most appropriate.  Thank you for your love and support through the great times and the difficult ones.  Thank you for loving the high-pitched,…

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We live in such a crazy, fast-paced world.  The very things that were created to help us slow down and enjoy life have, in fact, complicated and compounded our busy-ness.  While thankful for technology and the conveniences of the time we’re living in, I sometimes long for the unplugged version. It’s so easy to be…

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On the day you were born

  So… I had a birthday yesterday, and it was a BIG one… I turned 5-0!  Fifty!  Half a century! Haha!  That last one sounds really old!  But, you know what!  I’m so excited about it!  I wear those 50 years like a badge of honor.  Indeed the days are long and the years are…

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Drawing a bigger circle

We all have a circle, don’t we?  And when we stretch our arms wide and draw them close, those dear souls swept in are our inner circle.  Who is in your circle?  Your spouse, closest friends, confidants.  We need each other.  We all need a “good” circle. And isn’t it awesome to be counted in…

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Worth it

Hey you, ya you… the bleary-eyed mom at the bus stop with the rumpled hair and yesterday’s shirt embellished with fingerprint smears of jelly… YOU ARE WORTH IT* And you, beautiful one… who finds no representation of your present reality among the pages of the latest fashion magazines… YOU ARE WORTH IT* And you, brave soul…with…

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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 Photo credit:…

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Trouble and a joyful heart

Photo credit:  Jale Feeman So…. this is how the week started out…. Vehicle #1 is down for the count.  No big deal, right?  We can share two vehicles between the three of us. Fast forward to Tuesday, vehicle #2 also goes down for the count. Ok, we still have one vehicle… we can make this…

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